Become a Member of WET!

WET is a recognized environmental organization! But only with your help.

We aim to effectively advocate for river protection and directly participate in environmental procedures. That’s why WET has officially become a recognized environmental organization, enabling us to obtain party status in Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) procedures. As a party in EIA procedures, we can write statements or even lodge complaints in court. Thus, we have powerful means to advocate for the rivers in Tyrol.

Why do you need me?

Becoming recognized as an environmental organization poses challenges for small non-profit associations. We must, among other requirements, demonstrate a membership of at least 100 individuals, and our adherence to these criteria is assessed every three years. Thus, your involvement is crucial!

What are the benefits of being a member?
  • Satisfaction knowing you are contributing to protecting the rivers in Tyrol.
  • Being invited to our association’s events.
  • Being kept updated (if you wish) via email about our actions.
  • You can actively participate, whether you live in Tyrol or simply have a heartfelt connection to the region.
What do I need to do to become a member?

Fill out the online form and transfer the yearly membership fee of €25 to our bank account (details in the confirmation email and here). Should you wish to cancel your membership, you can do this by emailing us at any time. However, we hope you’ll stay with us for many decades to come!

Fill in the membership form below:

Sources and Links:

BMK: Recognition as an Environmental Organization

Ökobüro: Recognition as an Environmental Organization

Ökobüro: Information on the Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure

RIS: UVP-G 2000